About us
We develop customized project solutions for our clients based on the latest economic findings and well-founded empirical analyses. Statistical information, databases and the results of our surveys and case studies form the starting point of our work. Our clients include German and international companies, as well as international institutions and public clients such as ministries and educational institutions. Our scientific expertise is complemented by close cooperation with our parent institute, DIW Berlin.
In order to deliver first-class results to our clients, we work in customized project teams with top researchers and experienced consultants. DIW Econ thus forms an interface where the sector-specific knowledge of our consultants and in-depth knowledge of economic theory and empirical methodology come together.
Our Scientific Advisory Board consists of respected active scientists and supports us in incorporating current scientific findings into the conception and implementation of our project work. It advises us on scientific issues and evaluates the research work.
Scientific Advisory Board
Dr Stefan BachWissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung Staat & Privatdozent Universität Potsdam
Dr Timm BönkeLead Economist bei DATEV eG
Dr Markus M. GrabkaKommissarischer Bereichsleiter Wissenstransfer im Sozio-oekonomischen Panel (SOEP)
Prof Dr Franziska HolzStellvertretende Leiterin der Abteilung Energie, Verkehr, Umwelt
Prof Dr Claudia KemfertLeiterin der Abteilung Energie, Verkehr, Umwelt
Prof Dr Alexander S. KritikosMitglied im Vorstand des DIW Berlin & Leiter der Forschungsgruppe Entrepreneurship
Prof Dr Stefan LiebigProfessor für Empirische Sozialstrukturanalyse und Survey-Methodologie FU Berlin
Prof Dr Carsten SchröderLeiter Angewandte Panelanalysen des Sozio-oekonomisches Panel (SOEP)
Prof Dr Jürgen SchuppWissenschaftler & Senior Research Fellow im Sozio-oekonomischen Panel (SOEP)
Dr Lars HandrichGeschäftsführer
Clarissa BehrProjektkoordination & Kommunikation
Liliana Cuccu, Ph.D.Consultant
Christian DanneConsultant
Julia DörschnerFinanzcontrolling
Stefan Gorgels, PhDManager
PD Dr Elke HolstSenior Research Associate
Asnawi KamisAssociate Consultant
Heorhii KohutAssistenz im Bereich Administration & Büromanagement
Prof Dr Artem KorzhenevychSenior Research Associate
Nadiya Mankovska, PhDConsultant
Dr Petra OpitzSenior Research Associate
Anne-Christin PöhlerConsultant
Dr Maria PolugodinaConsultant
Johanna Schulze DüdingConsultant
Prof. Sevrin Waights, Ph.D.Senior Consultant