Prof Dr Timm Bönke

Co-Leiter des Konjunkturteams & Juniorprofessor für Volkswirtschaftslehre FU Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 20 60 972 0

Prof Dr Timm Bönke is Co-Head of the Department of Forecasting at DIW Berlin and Junior Professor of Economics focusing on empirical finance at Freie Universität Berlin. Timm Bönke’s expertise lies in the areas of labour market economics and empirical finance, in particular on the following topics: the long-term development and distribution of income and wealth, the design and incentive structure of welfare state institutions, and the evaluation and optimisation of tax-transfer systems. Stations of his career so far have been the universities of Vienna, Uppsala, Berkeley and New York. Prof. Bönke studied and received his doctorate at the Free University of Berlin.