
Tourism as an economic factor in Hamburg – TSA 2019

Hamburg attracts many tourists thanks to its central location in Europe and its diverse cultural offerings. The aim of the study by DIW Econ in cooperation with TouristiCon and dwif was to calculate an update of the economic significance of the tourism industry in Hamburg for 2019 using the TSA system on behalf of Hamburg Tourism.

In addition to the tourism industry as a whole, the study also looked at the MICE segment, which consists of business-motivated tourists travelling for congresses, meetings, conferences, training courses, seminars, business events and incentive trips.

Tourism as an economic factor in Brandenburg – TSA 2019

Brandenburg is an attractive destination for tourists. According to official statistics, a total of around 5.2 million arrivals and almost 14.0 million overnight stays were recorded in the state in 2019.

As part of this study, an update of the economic significance of the tourism industry in Brandenburg for 2019 was prepared using the TSA system at the federal state level. This is comparable to the previous study, which was prepared for the reference year 2015. In addition, an estimate was made for 2020, a year in which the coronavirus pandemic posed particular challenges for tourism.

Tourism as an economic factor in Bavaria – Tourism Satellite Account 2019 and 2020

The Free State of Bavaria is an attractive destination for tourists. On behalf of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy, DIW Econ has for the first time fully assessed the economic importance of the tourism industry in Bavaria using the TSA system.

The calculation was carried out for the years 2019 and 2020. This means that not only the Bavarian tourism industry in the last year before the crisis can be analysed, but also the effects of the Corona pandemic.

Update Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) for Berlin 2020

Tourism plays an important economic role in Berlin. The new edition of the TSA study for the reference year 2020 not only once again quantifies economic indicators – gross value added and employment – related to tourists’ consumption*. For the first time, the impact of the Corona pandemic on Berlin tourism is also calculated by DIW Econ in cooperation with TouristiCon and dwif, on behalf of visit Berlin.

Sustainable Bavaria

The Free State of Bavaria is in a predestined position to become a pioneer for decarbonisation and the transformation of economy and society towards sustainability by 2030. However, this transformation can only be achieved through targeted investments and measures that create synergies between transformative developments. The current study by DIW Econ and the Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft (FÖS), commissioned by BUND Naturschutz and Greenpeace Deutschland, identifies measures in selected sectors – energy, mobility, tourism, agriculture and forestry, and nature conservation – in which systematic public investment over the next decade can accelerate structural change toward a sustainable and future-proof Bavaria, thereby strengthening employment, innovation, climate and nature protection, and sustainable development.