The nine-point plan: employment and climate change effects of a green recovery plan
On behalf of Greenpeace, DIW Econ GmbH, together with the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and the Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft (FÖS), has for the first time calculated the employment and climate protection effects of selected green economic stimulus packages. For this purpose, nine packages of measures for a climate-oriented economic stimulus package in the energy, transport, buildings, industry and land-use sectors were compiled from a total of 285 collected proposals for economic stimulus measures: The nine-point plan. The packages of measures contained in this plan allow both short-term employment effects and a medium and long-term resilient, climate-friendly economy.ise.
The study shows that government packages of measures worth €50 billion in the above sectors will create up to 365,000 sustainable jobs in the short term within the next five years. At the same time, up to 56 million tonnes of CO2 eq. per year can be saved. Climate-oriented economic policies therefore not only create jobs in the short term, but also form the basis for long-term innovations and climate-friendly economic development.
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