G7 Gas Reduction Plan
The recent geopolitical developments have again shown how geographic concentration of fossil fuel production creates global dependencies and affects economies worldwide. Among the G7 countries, the European states are the most dependent on fossil gas supplies from Russia.
DIW Econ’s recent study “G7 Gas Reduction Plan”, commissioned by Greenpeace, on the occasion of the G7 Summit under the German Council Presidency, presents potential climate-neutral technology options implemented by coordinated multilateral action of the G7 states until 2025 to support a reduction of fossil gas demand in the G7 states. The analysis focuses on carbon-neutral options without substituting gas with other fossil fuels or biofuels or significantly reducing industrial production.
This study assesses the potential for reducing fossil gas consumption in the G7 countries, specifically focusing on the sectors of buildings, the industry, and power and heat generation that constitute the majority of fossil gas consumption in the G7 countries.
As a result, by 2025, the total annual gas consumption of the G7 economies can be reduced by up to 18 per cent, or 264 billion cubic metres.
However, the depicted reductions will require ambitious policies and coordinated action of G7 states to support behavioural change and “green” modernisation in buildings, the industry and power sector.
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