
The economic power behind housing

Residential construction has been a major contributor to Germany’s economic growth in recent decades. However, current forecasts point to a worrying decline in the real volume of residential construction, which could have far-reaching consequences. This development underlines the urgent need to strengthen residential construction as a driver of economic recovery.

The state of Baden-Württemberg on the road to climate neutrality

The government of Baden-Württemberg has set itself the goal of making the state carbon-neutral by 2040. However, to meet this challenge, transformation efforts on an unprecedented scale are required. On behalf of the SPD parliamentary group in Baden-Württemberg, DIW Econ has analysed how much CO2 emissions need to be saved each year and what measures need to be taken in the buildings, transport, electricity and heat generation sectors to reach the goal of climate neutrality in 2040 by 2030.

G7 Gas Reduction Plan

The recent geopolitical developments have again shown how geographic concentration of fossil fuel production creates global dependencies and affects economies worldwide. Among the G7 countries, the European states are the most dependent on fossil gas supplies from Russia.

DIW Econ’s recent study “G7 Gas Reduction Plan”, commissioned by Greenpeace, on the occasion of the G7 Summit under the German Council Presidency, presents potential climate-neutral technology options implemented by coordinated multilateral action of the G7 states until 2025 to support a reduction of fossil gas demand in the G7 states. The analysis focuses on carbon-neutral options without substituting gas with other fossil fuels or biofuels or significantly reducing industrial production.

Company succession in the construction industry

The construction industry is an essential pillar of the German economy, both in terms of its contribution to gross domestic product and overall employment. Due to the observed increase in the average age of business owners, it can be assumed that more and more entrepreneurs will be affected by succession planning in the coming years. However, to date, there has been no estimate or survey that provides reliable information on how many companies in the construction industry will be faced with succession planning in the coming years and what economic effects can be expected as a result.

To close this research gap, DIW Econ and the Institut für Mittelstandsforschung (IfM) Bonn were commissioned by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) to investigate the business succession situation in the construction i

Evaluation of the amendment of the Act on the Regulation of Housing Placement by the Tenancy Law Amendment Act

DIW Econ GmbH was commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV) to evaluate the “buyer principle” introduced in 2015 for the marketing of rental properties. Since then, this principle has obliged the initiator of a brokerage service to pay for it (“whoever orders, pays”). The evaluation examines whether the law’s objectives have been achieved and additionally identifies potential needs for an amendment to the law.