University as an economic factor in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
The Landeshochschulkonferenz Hamburg has commissioned DIW Econ to study the economic factor of higher education in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.
In 2013, the six higher education institutions under consideration generated a gross value added of 1,356 million euros and an employment effect of 22,634 employees (including affiliated companies). This corresponds to a share of 1.4 % of Hamburg’s economic output. These figures underline the importance of the universities for Hamburg’s economy.
In 2013, the six universities under consideration generated a gross value added effect of 1,356 million euros and an employment effect of 22,634 employees (including affiliated companies). This corresponds to a share of 1.4 % of Hamburg’s economic output. These figures underline the importance of the universities for Hamburg’s economy.
A total of 626.0 million euros in state funds were used to provide basic funding for the individual institutions in 2013. If the tax revenue generated by the universities is taken into account, the net burden on the state is reduced to a total of 535.3 million euros. The value-added effects of the universities exceed the costs of basic public funding and thus justify this from a regional economic perspective. The DIW Econ study therefore underlines the importance of the universities for Hamburg’s economy.
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