Estimating the number of missing housing units in nine selected European capitals by 2030
On behalf of Wiener Komfortwohnungen GmbH, DIW Econ, headed by Konstantin A. Kholodilin, determined the housing requirements in nine selected European cities up to the year 2030. The housing demand is derived from the total number of flats that would have to be completed by 2030 to meet the expected demand.
The study estimates that there is a total demand for construction of around 1.2 million homes between 2021 and 2030 in the nine European capitals selected. London will have the highest demand in absolute terms, with approximately 360 thousand dwellings. By comparison, 120 thousand flats will be needed in Berlin and around 130 thousand apartments in the core city of Paris.
It is also striking that the average household size in many of the cities is below or only slightly above 2, which suggests a large number of single-person households and thus a high demand for small flats in the core cities.
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