Energy system transformation as a central component of a future industrial policy

The German-Japanese Expert Council on Energy System Transformation (GJETC) publishes first study results.

The experts addressed a total of four key energy policy and economic questions on energy system transformation and developed policy recommendations on this basis.


  1. Energy system transformation as a central component of a future industrial policy
  2. Strategic framework and socio-cultural aspects of energy system transformation
  3. Role allocation and business areas of existing and new players in the current energy market regulation and a future electricity market design
  4. Energy efficiency policy and development of energy services markets

This was based on comparative analyses with Germany and Japan. According to Prof. Masakazu Toyoda, CEO of the Institute of Energy Economics Japan (IEEJ) and the Japanese co-chair of GJETC, the analyses provide very interesting insights into the similarities and differences of energy system transformation in Germany and Japan. The studies are a unique source of information for policymakers as well as for industry and civil society.

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