Consideration of the “doctor’s salary” when adjusting the orientation value

The level of remuneration for medical services is redefined annually. The central control variable is the so-called orientation value, which determines the price level of outpatient treatment and is renegotiated annually by the GKV-Spitzenverband and Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung (KBV).

DIW Econ has developed a procedure for adjusting the reference value on behalf of the central association of statutory health insurance funds. It enables the transparent calculation of the scope for distribution and shows which normative trade-offs have to be made.

DIW Econ presented the results of the study on 2 August 2016 to the working committee of the Evaluation Committee, which is preparing the negotiations. On 21.9.2016, the KBV and the GKV-Spitzenverband agreed on the further development of the remuneration of general practitioners in 2017.

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