The development of the regulatory framework and the offer of the gambling segments DLTB lotteries and commercial gaming machines has been very different over the last 30 years, although both sectors have the mandate to channel gambling into legal channels by offering attractive games. In this study, commissioned by VDAI, DIW Econ examines the relationship between the design and adaptation of products over time, particularly in the area of stakes and winnings, and successful channelling in both sectors.
The Children’s Food Advertising Act (KLWG-E) planned by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture aims to protect children under the age of 14 from unhealthy food advertising. It prohibits the advertising of food and beverages to children whose nutritional value exceeds the recommended upper limits. The short study by DIW Econ, commissioned by foodwatch e.V., analyses the economic effects of this law from a macroeconomic perspective.
According to the German Packaging Act, the target for reusable beverage packaging is 70%. With a recent figure of 43.1%, this target is still far from being met, and political targets for increasing the proportion of reusable packaging are increasingly becoming the focus of public debate.
On behalf of the Association of German Private School Associations (VDP e.V.), DIW Econ has investigated whether and how stable the financing system of independent schools in Germany is with regard to extreme increases in energy costs.
The vending industry is currently facing a variety of challenges. Rising operating costs, the decline in floor space in the hospitality industry, the COVID-19 pandemic, and increasing digital competition are putting providers of slot machines under increasing pressure. At the same time, there is only limited legal room for manoeuvre for the vending machine industry to counteract the changed economic conditions by adjusting prices, the quantity offered and via changes to product characteristics.
On behalf of the Verband der Deutschen Automatenindustrie e.V. (Association of the German Amusement Machine Industry), DIW Econ examines the key economic figures of the amusement machine industry against the background of the applicable regulations and the development of economic trends over the past 30 years.