The recent geopolitical developments have again shown how geographic concentration of fossil fuel production creates global dependencies and affects economies worldwide. Among the G7 countries, the European states are the most dependent on fossil gas supplies from Russia.
DIW Econ’s recent study “G7 Gas Reduction Plan”, commissioned by Greenpeace, on the occasion of the G7 Summit under the German Council Presidency, presents potential climate-neutral technology options implemented by coordinated multilateral action of the G7 states until 2025 to support a reduction of fossil gas demand in the G7 states. The analysis focuses on carbon-neutral options without substituting gas with other fossil fuels or biofuels or significantly reducing industrial production.
The Free State of Bavaria is in a predestined position to become a pioneer for decarbonisation and the transformation of economy and society towards sustainability by 2030. However, this transformation can only be achieved through targeted investments and measures that create synergies between transformative developments. The current study by DIW Econ and the Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft (FÖS), commissioned by BUND Naturschutz and Greenpeace Deutschland, identifies measures in selected sectors – energy, mobility, tourism, agriculture and forestry, and nature conservation – in which systematic public investment over the next decade can accelerate structural change toward a sustainable and future-proof Bavaria, thereby strengthening employment, innovation, climate and nature protection, and sustainable development.
Using the Tourism Satellite Account, DIW Econ in cooperation with TouristiCon and dwif quantified the overall regional economic impact of tourism in Lower Saxony for the second time and updated the previous study with the reference year 2015.
For the year 2019, the total consumption expenditures of overnight and day tourists with private and business travel motives in the federal state were determined, and the effects on economic performance and employment triggered by these expenditures were calculated.
In addition, an estimate was made for the year 2020, in which the Corona pandemic posed particular challenges for tourism.
During the Winter 2021 semi-annual Energy Systems Analysis Program (ETSAP) Meeting on 29th – 30th November 2021, DIW Econ presented a novel approach to integrate three different models – energy system TIMES model, macroeconomic CGE model and sectoral system dynamics (SD) model –into a hybrid integrated assessment model to support the elaboration of a long-term low-emission development strategy (LEDS) for Kazakhstan.
Berlin is one of the most popular city travel destinations in Europe. However, significant information about the economic impact of the tourism industry as a whole has not been available to the public and economic policymakers until now, as this information cannot be derived directly from official economic statistics.
On behalf of VisitBerlin and the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises, DIW Econ calculates the economic significance of the tourism industry in Berlin for the first time in the study “Tourism as an Economic Factor in Berlin” using the tourism satellite account.