The vending industry is currently facing a variety of challenges. Rising operating costs, the decline in floor space in the hospitality industry, the COVID-19 pandemic, and increasing digital competition are putting providers of slot machines under increasing pressure. At the same time, there is only limited legal room for manoeuvre for the vending machine industry to counteract the changed economic conditions by adjusting prices, the quantity offered and via changes to product characteristics.
On behalf of the Verband der Deutschen Automatenindustrie e.V. (Association of the German Amusement Machine Industry), DIW Econ examines the key economic figures of the amusement machine industry against the background of the applicable regulations and the development of economic trends over the past 30 years.
Tourism plays an important economic role in Berlin. The new edition of the TSA study for the reference year 2020 not only once again quantifies economic indicators – gross value added and employment – related to tourists’ consumption*. For the first time, the impact of the Corona pandemic on Berlin tourism is also calculated by DIW Econ in cooperation with TouristiCon and dwif, on behalf of visit Berlin.
By 2030, there will be profound changes in Bavaria’s industrial labour market due to the ongoing processes of decarbonisation and digitalisation. As a result, industrial companies face an inevitable transformation of their products and processes, which requires a change in the activities and skills of their employees.
The study ‘Bavaria’s industrial labour market in transformation – Measures to surmount decarbonisation and digitalisation in Bavaria until 2030’ commissioned by the BayernSPD parliamentary group focuses on the question of which additional state policy measures can support the Bavarian industry until 2030 to take advantage of the opportunities of the transformation and to master its challenges at the prevailing high level of employment.
Using the Tourism Satellite Account, DIW Econ in cooperation with TouristiCon and dwif quantified the overall regional economic impact of tourism in Lower Saxony for the second time and updated the previous study with the reference year 2015.
For the year 2019, the total consumption expenditures of overnight and day tourists with private and business travel motives in the federal state were determined, and the effects on economic performance and employment triggered by these expenditures were calculated.
In addition, an estimate was made for the year 2020, in which the Corona pandemic posed particular challenges for tourism.
DIW Econ conducted the third study on the economic impact of the gypsum industry on behalf of the Federal Association of the Gypsum Industry. In this update, the study focuses on the year 2020 and examines the entire Harz region, including the previously examined southern Harz region.
Overall, the economic activities of gypsum mining and producing companies in the Harz region generated gross value-added effects of 318.9 million euros throughout Germany in 2020, of which 153.3 million euros were generated in the Harz region itself. At the same time, the companies in the gypsum industry secured over 4,600 jobs in Germany.